These awesome books are brought to you by our generous Marshall Lane PTA, whom I'd like to thank for providing the library with funds again this year to buy materials for our library. And here is the sock I was knitting at the PTA meeting last week:
A couple of other things I'd like to share with you. I know I've mentioned Mo Willems' Blog before but I want to mention it again because recently he had Eric Carle and his wife over for dinner and doodles and he shares pictures of the doodles.
Also, we are almost into October now so it's time to think about All Hallow's Read again. Why not give someone you love a scary book to read?
One last thing! Tom Angleberger, author of The Strange Tale of Origami Yoda and Darth Paper Stikes Back is going to be at Hicklebee's tomorrow, September 29 at 3:00 and will be talking about his books and signing books afterwards.
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