The Scholastic Book Fair is in full swing! Here is a picture of me in my secret office behind the book cases. In between sale times, this is a great opportunity for me to catch up on cataloging, ordering, document updating, and other things that are hard to do when the library is open.
But getting back to Book Fair, come and visit the Book Fair before and after school and during lunch recess this week and buy some books. Books make great gifts! Especially for teachers so be sure to look for your teacher's wish list. Also, tonight (Monday) is Family Night at the Book Fair. There will be special guest readers including Dr. Andrews and a real live fireman from the Santa Clara County Fire Department! Come down and get your copy of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: the Ugly Truth, they are selling fast! Also, we have lots more copies of Duck! Rabbit!, a Marshall Lane Library favorite.
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